Hitman 3: Poison, Dartmoor - how to get it? (2025)

Mission starting area. There's a road here leading to the manor. You'll also find agent 47's motorcycle here and you can use it to leave the mission area (it's required while completing the mission for the first time).

Manor grounds gate. There are 2 guards here and one of them can recognize Agent 47 even in the default suit. A private eye hired by Alexa appears here and once he's searched he will start walking towards the main building. You can easily avoid the guards by climbing a brick wall to the left or to the right of them.

River crossings. Agent 47 can't swim and you have to keep using these crossings to reach other areas of the manor grounds.

Cemetery. There's an opportunity here to murder Alexa, but you must first destroy bird nests (the best method is to use a silenced pistol). Agent 47 can distract the Undertaker in one of few ways to get his diguise. The undertaker has a hearse key on him (13 on the map). There's an open grave here - you can push Alexa and bury the grave (a shovel is nearby). There's emetic rat poison here.

Boat. You can use it to leave the mission area, but you need to have the keys. They're inside the locked greenhouse (10 on the map).

Photographer in the garden. He can't shoot any photos until a Fuse Cell is delivered. You can claim his identity for the purpose of murdering Alexa and it's best to turn on the radio so he'll go there. You can sabotage the fountain to create a pool of water by the chair in front of the photographer. You can find a wrench and a screwdriver nearby.

Fuse box. You can open it (crowbar is required) to obtain a Fuse Cell needed to do the photos in the garden (6 on the map). The fuse cells are also in several other places.

Emetic rat poison. You'll also find a note about the safe.

Bridge. This is one of the available areas to end the mission. You can distract nearby people by throwing a coin.

Greenhouse. All of the doors are locked. You can poison nearby people to make it easier to use a crowbar (it can be found nearby). The inside is a forbidden area and Emma shows up here later - she may be tied to one of the ways of murdering Alexa. You can find poisonous emetic plants and keys to the boat (5 on the map), as well as repair the distillation kit (wrench is required). Emma has the greenhouse key and a poisonous plant.

Main entrance to the manor. There are 2 guards here and everyone who's not a security person has to be frisked. You can avoid this problem by entering through one of the open windows.

Unicorn horn. It's tied to one of the minor challenges. Horns can also be found in other places on the map.

Hearse. You can use it to leave the mission area, but you need to have the keys to the car. The Undertaker from the graveyard has them (4 on the map).

Bodyguards. You can listen in on their conversation about tokens, poison one of them and easily obtain a bodyguard disguise. This disguise allows to explore most of the map freely. You will find a Hackl 9S Covert silenced pistol here and a Fuse Cell needed to do the photos in the garden (6 on the map).

Delivery area. You can find a staff locker key (23 on the map) and a crowbar. The radio allows to distract nearby people.

Foyer. There are two sets of stairs leading to level 1 in the back. There are containers for body disposal behind the stairs. The guests of the manor (including the private eye) are being welcomed by the butler here.

Library - lower level. In the early part of the mission Patrick is playing pool here. In the later part of the mission Alexa stops here from time to time to talk over the phone and to stand by the fireplace.

Bathroom. All of the nearby characters you've poisoned with emetic poisons may end up here (including Alexa).

Trophy room. In the later part of the mission Patrick and Rebecca Carlisle are here. You can poison Rebecca (watch out for the guard) to obtain Rebecca's key and her token (one of two tokens tied to the Arthur Edwards case file).

Sitting room. A large group of NPC's is here by default - they are Carlisle family members and the private investigator. Once the private eye's investigation is over Alexa will have a family meeting here. You can poison Alexa by interacting with the whisky glass (Alexa can also be poisoned by Emma from the greenhouse). Gregory has the key to the room upstairs (28 on the map).

Corridor with gun displays. You can break the glass of one of the displays and collect a rifle - it unlocks a minor challenge. This is also a good place to attack the private investigator and the butler. There are many places to hide the body here. Check the small room at the end of the corridor to find a screwdriver, an unused mansion staff disguise and a Fuse Cell needed to do the photos in the garden (6 on the map).

Mr. Fernsby's Office. He's the butler. There's a fuse box near the office and you can shut down the power (an opportunity to gain a disguise). The doors to the office are locked - you can use a lockpick/crowbar or attack the butler found somewhere on the ground floor and take his key. You will find lethal poison and a master key which can unlock all doors in the manor. Fernsby has a token on him (one of two tokens tied to the Arthur Edwards case file).

Staff room and kitchen. You will find emetic rat poison, a wrench and propane flasks (you can throw them into holes found above fireplaces). You can open a locker - lockpick/crowbar or a key from the delivery area is needed (15 on the map). Inside you will find an unused mansion guard disguise.

Dining room. You can poison Edward Carlisle who plays the piano. You can also pacify him (in any way) and unlock a minor challenge.

Corridors above foyer. Watch out for a single guard who patrols the area - he can recognize Agent 47 even if you're wearing a bodyguard disguise. There's an exit to the southern balcony here.

Library - upper level. There are good opportunities here to murder Alexa - you can drop a huge chandelier on her when she's talking on the phone and throw a propane flask into a hole above the fireplace.

Secret room 1. You can open it only using a walking cane obtained in Emma & Gregory's room (28 on the map). Use the walking cane on the mysterious switch. There's a letter inside (quest item).

Emma and Gregory's room. You can open the door using a master key (22 on the map) / Gregory's key (20 on the map) / lockpick / crowbar, or you can get inside from the balcony (small climb). You will find a walking cane here which allows to open some of the secret rooms.

Rebecca's room. You can use the master key / Rebecca's key (19 on the map) / lockpick / crowbar. You can check Rebecca's laptop.

Secret room 2. You can access this room by interacting with a painting in Rebecca's room (29 on the map) or with a book in the small office with the lawyer (31 on the map).

Small office. The corridor to the office is being guarded, however you can reach the office by going through the secret room (30 on the map). You will find a lawyer and his bodyguard here. You can kill the lawyer and wear a unique disguise. You can also check lawyer's laptop (minor challenge).

Zachary's room. The corridor to the bedroom is being guarded, however you can reach the office by going through the small office (31 on the map). Zachary's corpse can be found on a large bed. You can examine the laptop and the suicide note. You can go to the balcony and drop down the ladder - it will unlock a permanent shortcut.

Secret room 3. You can unlock it with a cane take from Emma & Gregory's room (28 on the map) or by interacting with a book in Zachary's room (32 on the map).

Stairs connecting levels 1 and 2. Expect a guard next to the stairs on level 2. You can also reach level 2 by climbing the building wall.

Main corridor. There's a guard where who can recognize Agent 47 in a disguise - you can sneak past him when he's talking to the house staff.

Alexa Carlisle's bedroom. You can listen to the messages and poison the coffee (Alexa shows up here in the first part of the mission). There's a balcony exit here. You'll find a letter to Rebecca in the bathroom.

Alexa Carlysle's office. There's a single guard here. You can press a button on a chair next to the desk to uncover a secret safe - the combination is 1975. Inside the safe you can find Arthur Edwards case file (main objective). There are guards on the large balcony, but you'll also find places to climb / descend.

Secret room 4. You can unlock it with a cane take from Emma & Gregory's room (28 on the map) or by pressing a button in the private room (39 on the map). You will find a unicorn horn here tied to one of the minor challenges. You can also spy on Alexa and kill here when she shows up in the secret room (2 different challenges).

Private room. Alexa may show up here. You can easily get to here by sneaking through a secret room (38 on the map).

Shotgun. You'll also find a telescope (tied to the safe puzzle) and an exit to the balcony.

Roof of the manor and a shortcut. You can get here for the first time from the upper level of Alexa's office (40 on the map) - you need to go through the window. There's a shortcut here - you can lower a ladder.

River crossings. Agent 47 can't swim and you have to keep using these crossings to reach other areas of the manor grounds.

River crossings. Agent 47 can't swim and you have to keep using these crossings to reach other areas of the manor grounds.

River crossings. Agent 47 can't swim and you have to keep using these crossings to reach other areas of the manor grounds.

River crossings. Agent 47 can't swim and you have to keep using these crossings to reach other areas of the manor grounds.

River crossings. Agent 47 can't swim and you have to keep using these crossings to reach other areas of the manor grounds.

River crossings. Agent 47 can't swim and you have to keep using these crossings to reach other areas of the manor grounds.

Stairs connecting levels 1 and 2. Expect a guard next to the stairs on level 2. You can also reach level 2 by climbing the building wall.

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Hitman 3: Poison, Dartmoor - how to get it? (2025)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.